
Tuesday 25 October 2011


Oh, God(s).

All morning people should be taken out and shot. At daybreak, just to drive in the hideousness of their perversion.

Monday 24 October 2011


“There's a statistical theory that if you gave a million monkeys typewriters and set them to work, they'd eventually come up with the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Internet, we now know this isn't true.”
- Ian Hart

Oh, yes, much as I enjoy using the www as a platform to vent or chat or . . . whatever, I feel morally obliged to acknowledge that simply because one can write, does not mean that one should. For instance, I have personally been known to natter on ad infinitum, no, ad nauseam rather, on whatever floats into the cavity between my ears. Really, I wouldn't let me near a computer, if I were not me. Naturally, being myself, the argument is somewhat redundant, but you get the idea.

Having succumbed to the pressure of a thousand peers in high school (some years ago) and descended to the ranks of Facebook users, I need to actively weigh the pros and cons each time I steel myself to log in. On the one hand, I can read and respond to emails from friends I have little to no 'real' contact with otherwise. On the other, as soon as I glance at my Wall, I am treated to (I am looking at the damn thing right now) bull about how X 'luvs [Y] soooo much, snugglepoochies!', how M has farted at N's party, to the collective hilarity of all the guests and how G is asking friends to donate pets in the name of science. [All names have been changed to random initials, to prevent both unnecessary gossiping, and to preserve my safety from irate friends who know where I hide my chocolates.]

You see? You see?!

So, after I made a mental note to send an assassin after X, for being too disgustingly nauseating to be permitted to live, and sneak looks at the garlic chicken recipe Q has posted, while snorting at B's cruelly accurate characterizations of people we both know . . . It sucks you in!!!

This is what I mean! Even though 90 per cent of it is godawful shite, it's like a train wreck - no, actually, those are quite boring - it's like watching the autopsy of a particularly gruesome murder victim - horrific, but you can't take your eyes away.

Hmm. Or maybe that's just me.

In any case, there should be some minimum requirement of language, intelligence and interest that each would-be poster should possess, before being allowed to further defile the (highly) questionable integrity of the internet. Yes, I'll get right on that, just as soon as I find a way to make the taps in my apartment run chocolate - preferably milk chocolate fudge.

Saturday 15 October 2011

The lost art of the sestina

Tragedy is what it is, that so many people today appear not to even know what a sestina is, let alone recognise Auden's 'Paysage Moralise' as a sterling example. Par for the course is the reaction I got when I asked one of my friends for her opinion.

'Who the hell is Auden?'

Heresy! Sacrilege! Ready the bonfires, the racks, the Iron Maidens!
It is truly hideous that the above is a standard response in today's world. Not to know of Auden - the creator of such unimaginable beauty as 'If I could tell you', 'The Shield of Achilles' and 'Musee des beaux arts' - is akin to saying that one is unaware of the sublime aesthetic pleasure that words can bring. So much of the pretentious, yet dumbed-down, shite that's on bookshelves today is such utter rot that I wouldn't even use it as an alternative to toilet paper. People have learned to want a fast, action-packed story with little to no actual beauty in the words themselves.

However, I shall stop my 'meandering', as David Copperfield might put it, and return to the topic at hand: sestinas.
It is a strange predilection of today's reader that they are put off by structure in poetry, while something akin to verbal diarrhoea splattering all over the page is praised as being 'heartfelt' and 'unadulterated'. Well, if adulteration would result in something remotely aesthetically appealing and possessed of some meaning beyond 'Dude, I'm stoned - check out the pretty colours', I'm all for it.
Why is is that the rigid power of iambic pentameter is unappreciated, that the thrust of the trochee is looked down upon? Why is the exquisite detail and architecture of a sestina passed over as artificial and pretentious? Can they not see how much sheer talent it would take to compose a work of that style?

Clearly not.

Ah, well, at least this leaves more books in the library for me.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Hmm, really?

I attended the most intriguing little seminar the other day, the first of a series of colloquia at the place I'm studying.
To start with, I came prepared to make the obligatory single visit and run back to the lab at the first break. Imagine my surprise when the session was actually interesting! I was even able to recognize the first speaker! (Please note that this was due not to his celebrity - poor fellow - but to the fact that he was one of those friendly TAs for one of my courses last year.) I was most amused to find that his presentation style was heavily influenced by his teaching style - or was it the other way around? Somehow, I don't think the professor sitting at 'X position' found it equally entertaining. However, the topic he was discussing was rather impressive. How funny, to think that the nice, somewhat dopey-appearing guy who taught the tutorials was actually in the midst of rather impressive research. A filter to identify genes on islands of pathogenicity in any sample of bacteria would be quite cool, I believe. Once it exists . . .

The next fellow, while a charming presenter, was talking about something to do with trees and Bugs and rescuing the lumber industry. I'm afraid I zoned in and out of that one - it has to do with my aversion to Bugs, you see. While I am in full support of all things that eliminate the little bastards, the mere mention of them has the power to either send me running for the shower, clawing at my skin to remove the feeling of little phantom legs on me or to send me to the Happy Place in my head, where Bugs have never existed, I never have to step into the big, scary room with the blue ceiling, and 'there is lo-ots of cooooffeeeee all daaaaaayy'. Hmm. That was the worst adaptation of 'Home on the Range' ever.

It was the last speaker, though, that I found most thought-provoking. He had found, through fMRI scanning on seizure-prone rats using some contrast-creating technique I forget the name of, that there were more brain areas affected during seizures than we were previously aware of . Good stuff. I wonder if they'll be tweaking the anti-seizure meds to compensate.

I wonder . . . if I take anti-anti-seizure meds, to drastically increase brain activity (does such a thing exist?), will I get superpowers?

Sunday 9 October 2011

Things I have Stolen from the internet

(I couldn't resist - the character in the picture on the left is one of the most odious little twits on TV. That would be exactly the sort of thing he would say.)

Also, see below:
(This is what I find amusing when I am too tired to actually think.)
A cell walks into a bar and says to the barman “I’m really tired, do you have any energy for sale?”

The barman hands over a large glass of silvery energy which the cell promptly downs.

The cell passes the glass back and the barman says “That’ll be eighty pee please”

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Veni Vidi Vomui

After a long sojourn in the land of 'I can't be arsed to blog', I have returned. And lo! I come bearing awkward anecdotes!

It must be one of those delightful customs I am unaware of that require all persons living in basements by themselves to be pushing health and safety standards. (Having only visited one, and that one being of the unfortunate male persuasion, I am aware that my data cannot be said to be entirely sufficient, but nevertheless. Nevertheless.)

So there I was, accompanying a friend to the home (read biohazardous pit) of her significant other, when, as soon as the door opened, we were struck by an assault, yea, verily an assault, upon our nostrils. I do not know - I do not want to know what led to the development of that horrific miasma, but I begged my friend to dump the rat immediately, using the time-honoured legal argument of 'veni, vidi, vomui'.

I came, I saw, I puked my guts out.

Well, no, not literally. But from what I smelled, clearly I wouldn't have been the first.

The mind boggles at the face of such debasement. Why? Why would you want to live in such conditions? More importantly to me, why would any sane person willingly associate with someone who chooses The Stinky Way? (Conscientious readers may be pleased to note that my friend came to her senses [which were reeling] quite fast and dumped the aforementioned rat quite quickly, making the intervention staged later that night almost superfluous.)

A note to clarify things for any self-righteous berks gearing up for a tirade against perceived discrimination:
The stench was not from the neighbourhood, but from the rat's basement, which, I might add, was attached to his parents' home, which was in turn attached to one of the more affluent areas near the university.

That said, the rant-esque anecdote is over. Live and let live, I always say. Of course I usually only say this after I have squashed any bees that had the sheer impertinence to fly into the apartment. I do let live. I let the little buggers live for the whole five minutes it takes me to get the broomstick.