
Thursday 7 April 2011

Vive la chocolat!

Perhaps it is a female thing, this craving, this lust for sweets, even as I know exactly where each bite will be deposited. I have long since decided that I see no reason to deny myself these little pleasures and now take great satisfaction in downing rich desserts before certain friends of mine, who drool enviously even as the mantra thunders through their heads: `must stick to diet!`

In accordance with my firm belief in self-indulgence, I made myself a coffee pudding and threw it down my gullet as soon as it sufficiently gelled.

Why, one may wonder, would this mundane event be worthy of note? Surely it is an act repeated by millions daily. Well, its significance to me lies in the fact that it is the sole celebration I permitted myself upon the ending of my third-year lessons. So, even as I heard the noise drifting from the AMS block party, I consoled myself with the fact that I had a magnificent pudding while all the idiots outside had to take their minds off the cold and the declassé music was thin American beer.

I am bored and I want to go out and I want sushi and . . .

Sour grapes, anyone? No, really, they`ve just got a bad rep.

Don`t you just love it when your exams start right on the first working day after classes end?


Well, in between cursing whoever came up with the exam timetable and going over my Genetics notes, a memory of baklava pushed itself forward (after fighting past the strange morass of thoughts along the lines of `My handwriting really does suck when I`m sleepy`, `Why are there notes on my desk - do I have an incorporeal stalker?`, `Oh, right, that`s my sucky writing` and the most common one, `Am I hungry enough to cook yet?`).

Bloody hell, that`s an awful sentence.
I like it.

Anyway, back to baklava. I was fortunate enough to spend the greater part of my life in Dubai, thereby ensuring that not only did I have a ready supply of my favourite, immensely spicy food at home, I also had immediate access to excellent Arabic cuisine just a few minutes away.

Coming up with the mad idea to try my hand at making some (despite the fact that I normally dislike baklava on account of the oily nature poor specimens have), I decided to get a feel for just how insanely difficult it would be.

Imagine my shock when an immensely interesting blog I wandered across mentioned the author preparing baklava in around 10 minutes. In between feeling quite jealous of the author of for her clearly very cool cooking skills, I was greatly impressed by the range of recipes offered. I was also completely awestruck at both her gifts in the kitchen and her ability to put things in a `Cooking for Dummies` manner that even I was able to comprehend. I can actually follow a few recipes. Who knew?

And then, it struck. There I was, harmlessly drooling over the pictures included of several finished products, when lo! - I was assaulted by a picture of the most glorious-appearing chocolate pudding ever. And, wonder of wonders, I actually had everything needed to make it.

So, naturally, I decided to add a layer of chocolate to my coffee pudding.

To curb my impatience as I wait for this divine concoction to finish setting, I decided to rant about the aforementioned impatience on this blog and to a friend on Skype. I now feel much better after having passed my bad mood on to someone else. Ah, the joys of friendship.


Hmmm. You know, I just realized, what with my having Type II Diabetes and all that rot, I`m quite glad that my mother doesn`t read this.